
Modern battle axe
Modern battle axe

However, the lighter head limits its usefulness in certain kinds of work, while its blade geometry makes it less capable of hewing through cloth, leather, and the body of an enemy than a dedicated fighting axe (check out this blog post about cutting tatami with our Type L Fighting Axe). The blade is highly bearded, a style that developed to save expensive iron in manufacture while preserving a useful cutting edge and lightening the axe head, making it a useful weapon as well as woodworking tool. The Arms and Armor Nordland Axe is an excellent example of a dual use axe from the pre-Viking period. Such dual use axes, however, involved compromises in design that made them widely versatile, but perhaps less finely optimized than their more specialized brethren. In fact, one of the primary benefits of many axes was that they could be used for building your house and for defending it. It is also not to imply that axes were only ever for either work or for fighting. Though, as we will see, this is complicated by the case of later axes designed for use against heavily armored foes. In general this means that fighting axes tend to be lighter, thinner, and much more maneuverable than axes intended for use as tools. In fact, just as in the case of wood axes, the forms of fighting axes relates to their intended function. Neither of these conclusions stands up to the historical record.

#Modern battle axe full#

In playtesting, this Axe-Tribal deck has been winning games so far, and has a speedy aggro rhythm that sets up early 5/5 living axes that get buffed by equipping more axes! That's a strategy full of win.This attribute of axes designed for strongly hewing stationary pieces of wood has led many people to the conclusion that fighting axes must be an unwieldy weapon, or that warriors utilizing axes must have been some kind of super-men.

modern battle axe

Is slow and dumb, but finishing off your opponent with one of these is axe-hillerating, and will surely leave them with a splitting headache! Will raise arms as a 5/5 creature as well.Īre cheap in cost, easy to cast, and allow for an early lead by creating a quick army of 5/5 warriors, or by giving a hefty boost to their indestructible comrade-in-arms. Is the ideal axe to be given life to, but in a pinch the indestructible Is the "lord" of the deck, and is best equipped onto your newly sentient axes, with the 1+/1+ modifiers compounding quickly. Makes for a surprisingly effective early game removal, allowing for your speedy animated-board-state to start cleaving at your enemy's health undeterred - axe-terminated! True to its wordĪlso helps to push damage through, and that's no axe–cident! On the magical side of the tribal-divide, Is a counter to protect your axe-plosive arsenal, and also directly tutors up your important Into a 5/5, unkillable monster on turn two! Later you can keep equipping axes onto your ensouled artifact, as they take arms with their hatchet brethren. Gives life to your collection of low-cost axes, potentially turning an indestructible Helps to scry the right cards you'll need, and later can draw for more.

modern battle axe

There's a strange magic pouring out of the This AXE-Tribal deck will lead to random axe of violence, and wood be considered by many the very first, and most axe-cellent, of its kind.

modern battle axe modern battle axe

The former invariably follows the latter, so it stands to reason the best deck should be comprised entirely. Only two things in life are certain - death and axes.

Modern battle axe